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XLOOP Workshop
At SC 2021 --- November 2021 --- St. Louis, USA
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://wordpress.cels.anl.gov/xloop-2021">https://wordpress.cels.anl.gov/xloop-2021</a>
Continued advances in computational power and high-speed
networking is
enabling a new model of scientific experiment,
computing (EILC). In this model, high-end computing systems are
coupled to experimental and observational infrastructure, and the
interact to drive a deeper understanding of physical phenomena.
At the
same time, advances and widespread adoption of machine learning
new ways to register and use experimental data.
Several research and development challenges are posed by this
multifaceted paradigm, many of which are independent of the
scientific application domain. New algorithms to integrate
outputs and experimental data sets must be developed. High
data management and transfer techniques must be developed to
manage and
manipulate simulated and observed data sets. Workflows must be
constructed with high levels of usability and understandability to
enable scientific post-analysis and improvement of the computing
The Workshop on Experiment-in-the-Loop Computing (XLOOP 2021) will
be a
unique opportunity to promote this cross-cutting,
topic area. We invite papers, presentations, and participants
the physical and computer sciences, and encourage the sharing of
ideas from across these domains to find common solutions and
technologies to make rapid progress in EILC, so that many
areas can easily adopt these methods.
As in past years, XLOOP 2021 will pursue proceedings publication
Previous years' proceedings may be found here:
2020: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://www.computer.org/csdl/proceedings/xloop/2020/1pZ0UawOMkU">https://www.computer.org/csdl/proceedings/xloop/2020/1pZ0UawOMkU</a>
2019: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/8938158/proceeding">https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/8938158/proceeding</a>
== Topics ==
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Machine learning applications in simulation or experiment
* Case studies in EILC applications and solutions
* Data transfer techniques and technologies
* In situ analysis methods and tools relevant to experiment data
* Simulation and experiment validation methods and tools
* Workflow technologies to manage computation and experiment
* Advanced systems architecture for EILC applications
* High-performance I/O methods and libraries
* Data integration and assimilation algorithms and technologies
* Performance evaluation in EILC applications and solutions
* Cyberinfrastructure and "big science" planning and reporting
* Portable solutions for reproducible, transferable experiments
== Paper Submission ==
Please submit novel papers with up to 6 pages in IEEE style via
the SC
submissions site. Deadlines are:
Submissions due: 17 September 2021
Author notification: 30 September 2021
Templates may be found at the workshop web site.
Reproducibility: XLOOP participates in the reproducibility
Reproducibility data does not count against the XLOOP page
Details about this data are available at the XLOOP web site.
== Organization ==
Justin M Wozniak Argonne National Laboratory
Nicholas Schwarz Argonne National Laboratory
Contact us at xloop-chairs at lists.dsl.anl.gov .
Steering committee:
Debbie Bard National Energy Research Scientific
Computing Center
Eli Dart ESNet
Mallikarjun (Arjun) Shankar Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Christine Sweeney Los Alamos National Laboratory
Venkatram Vishwanath Argonne National Laboratory
Program committee:
Tekin Bicer Argonne National Laboratory
Stuart Campbell Brookhaven National Laboratory
Rudolph Dimper European Synchrotron Radiation
Geoffrey Fox Indiana University
Alex Hexemer Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Tony Hey Science and Technology Facilities
Shantenu Jha Brookhaven National Laboratory
Bojan Nikolic Square Kilometer Array, Cambridge
Marc F. Paterno Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Amedeo Perazzo SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Thomas E. Proffen Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Lavanya Ramakrishnan Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Tobias Richter European Spallation Source
Jana Thayer SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Thomas D. Uram Argonne National Laboratory
<div class="moz-txt-sig"><span class="moz-txt-tag">-- <br>
</span>Justin M Wozniak