[NOBUGS] Release of Mantid v6.12.0

Sarah Foxley - STFC UKRI sarah.foxley at stfc.ac.uk
Thu Feb 27 11:51:48 GMT 2025


We are proud to announce version 6.12.0 of Mantid. Installation packages can be found on our download page<https://download.mantidproject.org/> along with updated instructions for installing the latest release via Conda. You can also access the source code on the GitHub release page<https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/releases/tag/v6.12.0>.

These are the highlights for this release:

*        Drop support for NumPy version 1. We now build against NumPy v2.0 and support up to v2.1. Read about the changes<https://numpy.org/news/#numpy-200-released>. Users should note that NumPy 2 introduces some breaking API changes. See the NumPy 2 Migration Guide<https://numpy.org/doc/stable/numpy_2_0_migration_guide.html> for more details.

*        Updated Matplotlib from version 3.7 to version 3.9. See release notes for version 3.8<https://matplotlib.org/stable/users/prev_whats_new/whats_new_3.8.0.html> and version 3.9<https://matplotlib.org/stable/users/prev_whats_new/whats_new_3.9.0.html> .

*        IntegratePeaks1DProfile<https://docs.mantidproject.org/nightly/algorithms/IntegratePeaks1DProfile-v1.html> now uses MultiDomainFunction<https://docs.mantidproject.org/nightly/fitting/fitfunctions/MultiDomainFunction.html> to tie peak profile parameters across pixels.

*        `PEARL powder` has a new ``trans_custom`` focus mode. This allows the user to specify modules to include in the transverse bank focusing using the parameter ``trans_mod_nums``. The module numbers in the range 1-9 can be specified using the same string syntax as run-numbers - e.g. ``trans_mod_nums="1-3,5"`` corresponds to focusing modules 1,2,3 and 5.

*        New algorithm ReflectometryISISCreateTransmission<https://docs.mantidproject.org/nightly/algorithms/ReflectometryISISCreateTransmission-v1.html> for creating transmission workspaces that are suitable for passing to PolarizationEfficienciesWildes<https://docs.mantidproject.org/nightly/algorithms/PolarizationEfficienciesWildes-v1.html> .

*        New algorithm CreateMonteCarloWorkspace<https://docs.mantidproject.org/nightly/algorithms/CreateMonteCarloWorkspace-v1.html> that creates a randomly distributed workspace by sampling from the probability distribution of the input workspace

*        ``setPlotType()`` can now be called on Matrix Workspaces to specify the `plot type`.

*        The algorithm profiler is now available to Linux users. To enable profiling, the Algorithm Profiling Settings<https://docs.mantidproject.org/nightly/concepts/PropertiesFile.html#algorithm-profiling-settings>

*        MSlice<https://docs.mantidproject.org/nightly/interfaces/direct/MSlice.html>  has a new observer for workspaces in the Analysis Data Service in Mantid. Consequently, modifications to workspaces in Mantid are now synchronised with MSlice for shared workspaces. For example, this change now ensures that a deleted workspace in Mantid is also deleted in MSlice, which mitigates a common past error of `RuntimeError: Variable invalidated, data has been deleted`. The behaviour of the MSlice interface is thereby made consistent with that of other interfaces.

Please take a look at the release notes<https://docs.mantidproject.org/nightly/release/v6.12.0/index.html>, which are filled with details of all the changes and improvements in many other areas. The development team has put a great effort into making all of these improvements and we would like to thank all of our beta testers for their time and effort helping us to make this another reliable version. Thank you to everyone that has reported any issues to us and please keep on reporting any problems you have on our forum<https://forum.mantidproject.org/> or by email on mantid-help at mantidproject.org<mailto:mantid-help at mantidproject.org>.

Kind regards,

The Mantid Team

Sarah Foxley
Mantid Team Lead and Engineering Manager
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Phone - 01235 446938
sarah.foxley at stfc.ukri.org<mailto:sarah.foxley at stfc.ukri.org>

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