[NOBUGS] Job Opportunities: Controls Software Engineers, STFC ISIS Facility, Oxfordshire, UK

Freddie Akeroyd - STFC UKRI freddie.akeroyd at stfc.ac.uk
Tue Dec 20 15:59:29 GMT 2022

The ISIS Experiment Controls Group is looking for controls software engineers to join our team, we develop EPICS based control software to enable experiments to take place on the various ISIS beamlines.

Job Posting https://www.careersportal.co.uk/UKRI-careers/jobs/software-engineer-experiment-controls-2666

Experiment Controls Group https://www.isis.stfc.ac.uk/Pages/Experiment-Control.aspx

Closing date is 8th January 2023

Feel free to contact me if you need further details



Freddie Akeroyd
Group leader, ISIS Experiment Controls Group
Email: freddie.akeroyd at stfc.ac.uk

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