[NOBUGS] Release of Mantid 1.1 December 2010

nick.draper at stfc.ac.uk nick.draper at stfc.ac.uk
Mon Dec 20 17:03:06 GMT 2010



I am pleased to announce that a new version of Mantid has been released
today.  The new version is now available in the download area.


You can download the new version from our download area 

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password, you can get a mantid-announce password reminder
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Mantid 1.1.8226 (Released 20/12/2010)

This release introduces further improvements to the instrument view in
MantidPlot and weighted events together with a larger range of
functionality through a selection of new and enhanced algorithms. 
I have highlighted several of the improvements below. A full list of the
items included in this build can be found at the end.

Throughout the Mantid project we have with fixed many of the bugs that
have been reported to us. Thank you to everyone that has reported any
issues to us. Please keep on reporting any problems you have, or crashes
that occur to mantid-help at mantidproject.org.

User Interface & Usability

*	 The instrument display can now unwrap an instrument on either a
cylinder or a sphere to create a flat view of the detectors. This can
make detector selection much easier, when unwrapped you can easily zoom
in and out using the mouse buttons to drag zoom windows.
*	In the unwrapped mode several pick mode options have been

	*	 Extract the selection to a new workspace
	*	Group the selected spectra into a new workspace
	*	Create a grouping file, either including or excluding
the selection

*	The strange clipping that occurred when viewing specific
instrument component has been resolved.  Also the issue when switching
to Pick mode would occasionally change the background colour has been
*	Mantid can also now display the instrument view as a wire-frame.
*	The manage directories dialog now also allows file paths to be
typed in, allowing for network paths.

Event Workspaces

*	Event workspace can now also store weights and errors associated
with individual events.  These are only stored if needed to minimise the
amount of memory required.
*	This allows more complex operations to work on EventWorkspaces
while maintaining the results as events, retaining the ability to filter
and split your data later on in the processing of the data.
*	Several algoirthms have been enhanced to take advantage of this:

	*	Binary Operations: Minus, Multiply and Divide
	*	Correction Operations: NormaliseByCurrent

Framework Improvements

*	A new type of workspace has been introduced, a MaskWorkspace.
This holds the masking information of a workspace without the data and
can be easily visualised using the Instrument view.  It can be extracted
by any workspace using the ExtractMasking algorithm, and applied to any
other workspace using MaskDetectors.  MaskWorkspaces can be added to one
another using the Plus algorithm to create a union of the Masks.
*	In initial Monte Carlo Absorption correction has been added,
that can handle single scattering in a complex sample environment.  At
the moment the environment has to be built up in C++, but this will be
improved for the next release.
*	The structure of our data loading algorithms has been improved
such that each data loading algorithm can identify the types of files
that it can load.  This allows the Load algorithm to load any file that
we have a specific load algorithm for.  At the moment this is only in
use in the Load algorithm, but will be integrated into the MantidPlot
interface soon.

Python Scripting

*	More of the MatrixWorkspace functionality has now been exposed
to python, this adds access to:

	*	Axes
	*	Units
	*	Sample
	*	Run - which contains all of the logged data

New and Updated User Interfaces

*	Direct Inelastic

	*	The Direct Inelastic Convert To Energy interface now
works for SNS instruments
	*	The Diagnosis algorithms have been tested and work on
SNS instruments
	*	All of the underlying Diagnose* algorithms now output
MaskWorkspaces rather than an output list
	*	The masking from the WB and data is unoined before
applying to both.
	*	The script has been optimised to prevent loading the
data twice


	*	File extensions are now automatically added to save
	*	2D Q reduction has been improved to correctly respect
masking and the errors returned have been improved

*	Indirect

	*	The simple  "DEMON" powder diffraction analysis has been
separated into it's own  interface
	*	A new Convolution Fit tab has been added

*	Powder Diffraction

	*	A simple powder diffraction for the SNS interface has
been added as an algorithm: SNSPowderReduction.

New and updated algorithms

*	CloneWorkspace: now preserves event workspaces
*	FilterByLogValue errors are now correctly handled
*	Option for Absolute and /or Relative rotations in

Instrument Definitions

*	Mantid now allow multiple IDFs for single instrument, this
allows for diferent instrument definitions to be specified to handle
changes in the instrument over time.  Valid from and to dates can be
included in the instrument definition, and these are compared to the run
start date to decide which file to load.
*	You can now use radians for instrument definition files if you
prefer them to degrees. Just add <angle unit="radian" />

to the defaults section of the IDF.

*	A definition for Basis is now included.

Notable bugs fixed

*	Load ISIS nexus logs that do not have time series
*	Mantidplot crashes on showInstrument when no instrument
definition file exists
*	Problem with summing, saving and loading Nexus.
*	Direct ConvertToEnergy GUI: Background Ranges entered in the GUI
are not used.
*	LoadEventPrenexus: Bug with instrument names, e.g. "SEQ"UOIA
*	In Python workspace algebra doesn't log or write to workspace
*	CreateWorkspace: YUnit does not get set



1980 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1980> 

Load ISIS nexus logs that do not have time series

2048 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2048> 

Fix Diagnose Detectors to accept an event file.

2096 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2096> 

ConvertToEnergy fails when summing multiple files

2099 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2099> 

Crashing SNSPowderDiffraction

2100 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2100> 

Direct ConvertToEnergy GUI - Specifying multiple runs does not work

254 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/254> 

Instrument display: Unwrap to flat view

1212 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1212> 

Monte Carlo Absorption correction

1429 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1429> 

Create BASIS instrument geometry

1647 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1647> 

Modify Direct Geometry Inelastic scripts and GUI to work for SNS

1651 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1651> 

Setup Hudson Builderserver at ORNL

1683 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1683> 

Remove Ki/Kf from detector efficiency

1861 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1861> 

Ensure that the GetEI/Tzero is working correctly from the
ConvertToEnergy GUI for SNS instruments

1862 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1862> 

Check Diagnose Detectors (diag) is working for SNS instruments

1867 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1867> 

Allow filenames to contain "-" in ConvertToEnergy GUI

1880 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1880> 

Direct ConvertToEnergy GUI: Allow specification of runs by number.

1899 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1899> 

Write a helper class that constructs an example instrument for use in
unit tests

1901 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1901> 

Allow MaskDetectors to copy masking from another workspace

1902 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1902> 

Create an ExtractMasking algorithm

1903 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1903> 

Adjust Diagnose* algorithms to output MaskedWS rather than an output

1904 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1904> 

Update Direct Inelstic script and GUI to handle diagnosis and masking

1905 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1905> 

Direct Inelastic: Amalgamate Masking from WB and data Diagnosis

1922 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1922> 

Prevent Direct Inelastic reduction loading the data twice

1934 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1934> 

LoadDetectorInfo is getting stuck

1938 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1938> 

Cannot select SEQUOIA in ConvertToEnergy GUI

2006 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2006> 

Crashes running Plus() on two _different_ nexus workspaces

2010 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2010> 

Method for Finding Nearest Neighbours of a Detector

2018 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2018> 

SaveSNSNexus: To save out Workspace2D's to our format.

2026 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2026> 

Add pick options to instrument display

2028 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2028> 

SpatialGrouping algorithm

2037 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2037> 

Construct filenames for SNS instruments

2040 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2040> 

Mantidplot crashes on showInstrument when no instrument definition file

2044 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2044> 

Add option to FlatBackground to return background rather than just
subtract it.

2070 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2070> 

Bug in Pick mode on instrument view

2072 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2072> 

Bug: Can't rebin Weighted EventWorkspace?

2085 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2085> 

Problem with summing, saving and loading Nexus.

1016 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1016> 

Immediate window to support loops and multiline ifs

1415 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1415> 

Python import statement from MantidPlot broken

1524 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1524> 

CRASH: Seg-fault with SimpleRebin in MantidPlot only.

1546 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1546> 

Transfer Iketa-Carpenter values in IRF into GEM_Definition

1652 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1652> 

Create data directory for automated test data

1720 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1720> 

Restructure python Reducer to cleanly separate common code from
instrument-specific code

1740 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1740> 

Fast Sorting Algorithm

1747 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1747> 

SANS - file saving, minor issues

1763 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1763> 

EventList: implement weights for individual neutrons to allow division
etc. on EventWorkspaces

1776 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1776> 

Reducer: Refactor Instrument class

1781 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1781> 

Divide and Multiply algorithms: Handle EventWorkspaces by using weighted
event lists.

1802 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1802> 

EventWorkspace: small memory leak

1830 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1830> 

Modify GetDetectorOffsets to use Fit instead of Fit1D

1838 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1838> 

Issue in ConvertSpectrumAxis / ConvertUnits with Grouped Detectors

1843 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1843> 

Scripting console errors are unclear

1847 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1847> 

Error in HFIR_reduction on ubuntu 10.10

1848 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1848> 

Add updating of progress bar to SaveNXSPE

1851 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1851> 

Seperate "DEMON" Tab from Indirect Data Analysis interface

1852 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1852> 

Add Convolution Fit tab to Indirect Data Analysis

1853 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1853> 

Extend use of QtTreePropertyBrowser with "Mini plots" in Indirect

1854 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1854> 

Clean up InstrumentSelector MantidQt widget

1855 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1855> 

Algorithm auto-generated GUI: Have the ability to add a few lines of
descriptive text to help guide users.

1856 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1856> 

Dictionary interface on algorithms in python

1858 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1858> 

Minor Changes in Indirect CTE Interface

1859 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1859> 

LoadSNSEventNexus: handle new field names

1872 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1872> 

3D Instrument View: improve startup performance for large instruments.

1873 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1873> 

Instrument geometry r and t parameters

1876 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1876> 

Radians for instrument definition files

1878 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1878> 

Create gui for reducing sns powder data

1879 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1879> 

Fix Q1DWeighted to work with multiple TOF bins

1884 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1884> 

Geometry: Simplify the class hierarchy of ParametrizedComponent and
other ParX classes.

1885 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1885> 

Create Instrument definition file for Nomad

1887 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1887> 

Get both radius and angle from logfiles for SNAP detectors

1888 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1888> 

Improve test for GetDetectorOffsets

1889 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1889> 

Proxy object for Run in python

1891 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1891> 

Direct ConvertToEnergy GUI: Background Ranges entered in the GUI are not

1892 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1892> 

Create bounded validator for arrays

1893 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1893> 

Make He3TubeEfficiency use array bounded validator

1897 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1897> 

Direct ConvertToEnergy GUI: Modify Absolute Units tab to become a more
general normalisation tab

1898 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1898> 

Rename Excitation script directory to Inelastic

1900 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1900> 

Adjust Fit Function to output Parameters, Errors, ParameterNames
properties even when "Output" parameter is set

1907 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1907> 

Tests: fix relative paths causing problems in some tests that save files

1908 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1908> 

Geometry: Delete ParRectangularDetector and IRectangularDetector

1910 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1910> 

Eliminate use of PG3_732 files in unit tests

1912 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1912> 

Eliminate the use of GEM38370.raw in unit tests

1919 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1919> 

Add ../PythonAPI/scripts to requiredpythonscripts.directories Mantid
property in installers

1921 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1921> 

Update Resolution CurveFitting Function to allow loading of a NeXuS file

1928 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1928> 

Kernel::DateAndTime: Combine PulseTimeType and dateAndTime types.

1929 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1929> 

Cannot get workspace reference from LoadSNSEventNeXus

1930 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1930> 

Get statistics from TimeSeriesProperty class in python

1932 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1932> 

Fix statistics in TimeSeriesProperty

1935 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1935> 

Bug in saving user properties containing line continuation characters

1937 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1937> 

Show Instrument is too slow

1941 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1941> 

LoadSNSEventNexus: Read instrument name from Event NeXus file rather
than the filename.

1943 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1943> 

CorrectKiKf should take EFixed value from IDF for Indirect instruments

1945 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1945> 

EventWorkspace: padPixels() in parallel?

1946 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1946> 

SANS GUI: fix error with new import structure

1948 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1948> 

Rename powgen geometry file

1952 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1952> 

When user define user function in fit GUI it is not remembered

1954 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1954> 

CloneWorkspace: Make it preserve EventWorkspaces

1955 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1955> 

MDDataObjects: needs an eclipse project file

1956 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1956> 

FilterByLogValue errors

1957 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1957> 

FilterByLogValue: when filtering in-place, avoid making a copy of the

1959 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1959> 

MatrixWorkspace: implement getIntegratedSpectra() for matrix workspaces.

1960 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1960> 

Set the location of PyQt interfaces in Mantid.properties

1962 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1962> 

Manage directories dialog needs to be more flexible

1964 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1964> 

Put in example of Fit function rather than Fit1D function in User

1968 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1968> 

SaveGSS: two new options

1971 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1971> 

Update cxxtest to report times in xUnit output

1973 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1973> 

Memory leak in convert units for EventWorkspaces?

1974 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1974> 

EventWorkspace: MRUList makes reading data (e.g. dataY() ) not thread
safe even when reading data.

1975 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1975> 

RectangularDetector: Handle picking detectors...

1976 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1976> 

Refactor MDWorkspace Inheritance Tree

1979 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1979> 

LoadEventPrenexus: Bug with instrument names, e.g. "SEQ"UOIA

1982 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1982> 

MantidPlot: show when an EventWorkspace has weights.

1983 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1983> 

EventWorkspace: Fix getMemorySize() to take into account weighted

1984 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1984> 

Minus: Implement for event workspace, using weights

1986 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1986> 

Mantidplot crashes when LoadGSS executed with a text file not saved by

1988 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1988> 

Expose more of the MatrixWorkspace functionality

1993 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1993> 

Allow saving/loading of non-spectra axis in Save/Load-NexusProcessed

1997 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1997> 

Allow multiple IDFs for single instrument

1998 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1998> 

Pull ANN Library into Kernel

1999 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1999> 

Add isText() method to Axis class

2001 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2001> 

libgmock.a not built for ubuntu-10.04

2002 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2002> 

ConvertUnits crashes mantid

2003 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2003> 

SaveGSS select output format

2004 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2004> 

In Qxy include masking, calculating errors and gravity

2005 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2005> 

Allow a SANS run set up in the GUI to be run in a Python loop

2007 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2007> 

HFIR GUI: scripter still imports from old Reducer

2009 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2009> 

Algorithm to create dummy powder calibration files

2011 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2011> 

NormaliseByCurrent: make event-workspace aware, use weighted events

2013 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2013> 

MDAlgorithms: make them build and test under eclipse on Linux.

2015 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2015> 

Fix errors in Q1DWeighted

2017 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2017> 

Option for Absolute/Relative rotations in RotateInstrumentComponent

2019 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2019> 

EQSANS: write algorithm to compute TOF offset

2025 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2025> 

Alter naming of outputs from workspace binary operations in Python

2034 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2034> 

FilterByLogValue: bug with 1 entry being filtered and becoming 2

2038 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2038> 

MemoryLeak in LoadSNSEventNexus?

2039 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2039> 

Log binning shouldn't be allowed with negative Low in ConvertToEnergy

2043 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2043> 

LoadLogsFromSNSNexus: can it be made faster?

2047 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2047> 

Account for masked bins in Qxy

2054 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2054> 

FFTSmooth: Add an option to use only Y values (allowing smoothing of log
binned values)

2055 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2055> 

Set uncertainties to zero

2056 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2056> 

Get a better error estimate in Qxy

2058 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2058> 

Make ChangeBinOffset accept an input for the spectra to operate on.

2059 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2059> 

Adjust ReadGroupsFromFile to read an XML file with DetectorIDs

2060 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2060> 

Adjust Group Detectors to Read XML Grouping File listing DetectorIDs

2064 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2064> 

CheckWorkspacesMatch: Make EventWorkspace-aware

2065 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2065> 

EventList: Use templates to reuse code between Events and WeigthedEvents

2069 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2069> 

Make a helper to Convert EventWorkspace To Workspace2D.

2081 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2081> 

NormaliseToMonitor changes input monitor workspace

2087 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2087> 

File dialogs for saving append the whole *.ext on to the filepath string

2090 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2090> 

Input string for the Fit algorithm get rejected when presented with a
unix-style path

2105 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2105> 

Create an Instrument validator

2114 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2114> 

Adjust proton charge filter in SNSPowderReduction

447 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/447> 

Instrument component clipping when moving

1297 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1297> 

Create a single definition of unSetInt

1435 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1435> 

Create EQ-SANS instrument geometry

1523 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1523> 

CropWorkspace needs to handle negative exact bin boundaries correctly

1563 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1563> 

Add wire-frame view option to MantidPlot instrument view

1571 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1571> 

Catch exceptions by reference

1693 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1693> 

MantidPlot: Ctrl+W shortcut to close a window doesn't work

1713 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1713> 

In Python workspace algebra doesn't log or write to workspace history

1715 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1715> 

SumSpectra: accept string list of spectra (0:3,10:13), not just min/max.
Make Event-aware.

1723 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1723> 

Mac: The script window comes up in an odd place

1737 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1737> 

Get more information for MultipleScatteringCylinderAbsorption out of the

1793 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1793> 


1805 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1805> 

C++ implementation of exponential decay

1810 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1810> 

CreateWorkspace: YUnit does not appear to get set

1821 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1821> 

Handle single valued logs in MantidPlot better

1823 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1823> 

Add progress bar reporting to LoadGSS

1842 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1842> 

Remove previously compiled python files (pyc) from the build server

1844 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1844> 

Write a unit test for the MRUList class

1850 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1850> 

Script Window: F3 to close

1869 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1869> 

Add virtual to destructors

1870 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1870> 

HFIR SANS reduction: N_bins and N_subpixels are not passed to reduction

1875 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1875> 

FindSNSNeXus doesn't give back the path

1882 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1882> 

Add options to FileValidator for directories

1883 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1883> 

SaveAscii doesn't check that the file was successfully created.

1895 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1895> 

Remove getSampleDetails from python workspace interface

1896 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1896> 

Trap tube thickness issue in He3TubeEfficiency

1947 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1947> 

AlignDetectors should throw an exception

1949 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1949> 

Add option to overwrite logs in LoadLogsFromSNSNeXus

1951 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1951> 

Integration with 'partial bins' option does not set bin boundaries if
spectrum completely outside range given

1981 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1981> 

Modify Integrate to handle event workspaces

1985 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1985> 

3D Instrument View: Background turns black when switching to Pick mode.

2000 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2000> 

The first click to get detector IDs in InstrumentView works, subsequent

2020 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2020> 

TimeSeriesProperties in Sample Logs dialog

2021 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2021> 

Force a workspace to be a histogram

2036 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2036> 

Add attributes to the Run object from python

143 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/143> 

Write tests for Workspace1D & Workspace2D

1538 <http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/1538> 

Refactor Load algorithm




Nick Draper


Mantid Project Manager

Tel: +44 (0)1235 445228

Skype: nicholas_draper <callto://nicholas_draper/> 

R78, 1.02


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